Periodic Safety Inspections
Periodic Safety Inspections
Periodic Safety Inspections performed after the Initial Audit can be performed by a person who is qualified; someone who has had training and experience with playground safety, maintenance and repair, but not necessarily a CPSI. SafePark recommends that inspections be performed by a Certified Playground Safety Inspector who is certified by the National Playground Safety Institute (NPSI) and is in good standing with the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA)
CPSC Handbook #325:
Inadequate maintenance of equipment has resulted in injuries on playgrounds. Because the safety of playground equipment and its suitability for use depend on good inspection and maintenance, the manufacturer’s maintenance instructions and recommended inspection schedules should be strictly followed. If manufacturer’s recommendations are not available, a maintenance schedule should be developed based on actual or anticipated playground use. Frequently used playgrounds will require more frequent inspections and maintenance.
4.1 Maintenance Inspections:
A comprehensive maintenance program should be developed for each playground. All playground areas and equipment should be inspected for excessive wear, deterioration, and any potential hazards. Detailed inspections should give special attention to moving parts and other parts that can be expected to wear. Maintenance inspections should be carried out in a systematic manner by personnel familiar with the playground, such as maintenance workers, playground supervisors, etc.
SafePark recommends using a Certified Playground Safety Inspector (CPSI).