Playground Services

“Play Safe with Safepark”

The Professional Approach to Park and Playground
Maintenance, Repair, Safety Audits and Inspections
“One call does it all – no job too small”

Park & Playground Safety Audits

  • Certified Safety Surface Impact Testing Using the Traix 2010
  • ADA Compliance Testing
  • Periodic Safety Inspections
  • Risk Management
  • Maintenance and Repairs
  • Rubber Surface Repair & Maintenance
  • Rubber Surface TopCoat Sealer
  • Plastic Welding
  • Playground Cleaning and Maintenance Programs
  • Complete Playground Refurbishing
  • Wood Fiber, Loose Fill Rubber & Sand Installation
  • NPSI Certified Playground Safety Inspectors
  • Park and Playground Consulting
  • Professional Witness


Rubber Repair Basic or With Fillable Friend Graphics


Poured in Place Rubber – Maintenance Sealing
While poured in place EPDM rubber safety surfaces are very durable they do need to be maintained. The suns UV rays cause damage and fading. Loose debris such as sand, dirt, small stones and leaves can create slipping hazards and are abrasive. If debris is not clean off the surface regularly it can also affect the impact attenuation and will cause accelerated wear and damage. As you can see in the above pictures in most cases older safety surfaces, if caught in time can be cleaned and sealed to improve the appearance and extend the life of the rubber dramatically.


Plastic Welding
Plastic components can be damaged and this can create hazards. When a hazard is created or known to exist it must be address immediately. You MUST secure or remove the hazard and this in it’s self can create bigger problems. To make a long story short this can create a tough situation. Depending on the part and the manufacture it can take from 6 week to 6 months (sometimes longer) to get the replacement piece, this is where the ability to plastic weld comes into play. I many cases we can make a temporary repair by welding the damaged area making it possible to keep the play feature safe and operational while we wait for the necessary new replacement equipment.